About us

Something that's often frustrated me is not being able to uncover true gems in a place unless you know it like the back of your hand - or you spend ages online, digging around and time runs out and you've wasted half the day!
I'd always wanted to have somewhere to go to find great stuff out quickly. Things that feel like recommendations from a mate I trust. A mate who likes things that are different, stylish, or just plain lovely... whether that's places that make you smile from ear-to-ear, pubs that feel like they're giving you a big hug, restaurants that focus on quality and creativity, makers creating beautiful things locally, art that leaves you breathless, or unique community stories that make you teary-eyed or have the widest grin.
So, at the start of 2016, I decided to create that somewhere for Somerset - for a county I feel genuinely privileged to call home. I write about the special stuff happening here, champion it on Be Somerset Radio (and BBC Radio Somerset), and if 'Somerset cool' helps you have some brilliant times in this beautiful part of the UK, then that'll make me, my husband Graeme and our rescue dogs Petal, Fawnie and Iz Whizz, very happy! (If you've been with us a while, you'll remember Flower Pot Noodle and Hopey too).
Building up a bank of great recommendations and features is a forever job, but right now there's a whole host of features about cool places to go, awesome places to stay, wonderful pubs and restaurants and interviews with the people of Somerset who are leading the way... creative artists, exciting chefs, fantastic photographers, people making incredible local produce, clothing, furniture... everything we discover that we like and think you might like too! Hopefully, a feature here will inspire you to visit, or to buy, or to experience something you'll absolutely love remembering.
Somerset is special and 'Somerset cool' is really about the people, places and adventures that make it that way for us - and hopefully for you. If you've been part of this adventure so far, thank you.
Jenna x
P.S. We've always got lots of things up our slightly grass-stained sleeves (it's all that gardening we do!!), so if you want to be the first to know what we're doing next, just keep in touch by subscribing to 'cool thoughts' below - and we'll email you every now and then, when we've something special or sunny to tell you.